Amazon Associate Affiliate Marketing

Introduction to Amazon Associate Affiliate Marketing

In this video, I will show you guys step by step how to start Amazon Associate affiliate marketing as beginners without investing any money in paid ads and without any followers, any audience, and any website. Okay, this will be an easy and quick tutorial, so let’s start. And just last month, I made—you can see here—$2,295 in commission with Amazon Associate using free traffic, and I’m making every single month above $1,000 per month using free traffic. So I will share with you step-by-step my methods, my secrets, and my strategies. You just need to copy and paste and let’s get started.

Step 1: Signing Up for Amazon Associates

Step number one for people who want to start making money and start Amazon Associate affiliate marketing:
You need to create an affiliate account with Amazon. So you need to go to Google search for Amazon Associate and click on the first link. Like this, you will be directly on this sign-up process page. Click on sign up, then click on “Create your Amazon account,” and here you go.

The sign-up process is super easy and simple. All you have to do is enter your first and last name, email address, and password, and click “Create your Amazon account.” The sign-up process is super easy and simple—anyone can sign up; it’s free. After you finish, this will be your homepage, and you should have an account like this one with Amazon Associate. So, this will be your Amazon Associate homepage; as you can see, you should see your summary here, commissions, and your dashboard.

Step 2: Choosing the Right Product to Promote

What you will do next is choose a good product that you will start promoting using free traffic. We will use free traffic from Pinterest. So what you will do next is go to Google and search for Pinterest. Click on the first link, and sign up using your email address—the sign-up process is super easy and simple.

After you finish, this will be your homepage, and you should have an account like this one with Pinterest. It’s super easy and simple, and they will ask you if you want to create a business account or a personal account—please choose a business account, that’s it. After you finish, you will go back to Google, search for “Pinterest Trend,” click on the first link, and you will be directly on this page over here.

Step 3: Finding Trending Products on Pinterest

So we will check this website to see what’s trending on Pinterest: which products, services, or topics are trending this month on Pinterest. Scroll down and click over here to choose which country you want to target—you have the United States, Canada, Italy, Spain, and more. I’m going to use the United States. Scroll down, and here you go—Pinterest Trend will give you what’s trending in the United States this month.

These are the products and topics that are trending on Pinterest in the U.S. this month. So pay close attention. If you even click here, you can see more—you have Halloween, outfits, cool sunglasses, nails, style, and fashion. Let’s go back. I think I see a good product. Let me show you guys. I think this one is good: F Nails. Let me click on this and check this product.

Step 4: Analyzing the Product on Amazon

Scroll down, click over here, and choose the past 3 months—always choose this one. Let’s scroll down, and here you go. You guys can see that this product is still trending. It’s still trending, which is good. So what I will do is copy this name of the product and go back to Amazon. Open your Amazon account, click on the search, and search for this product. Like this, I want you to pay close attention to this step. Please scroll down, and here you go. You will find a lot of people who are selling this product. You can see a lot of sellers who are providing and selling this product.

Step 5: Selecting the Best Seller

What you need to do is choose a good seller. Let’s see—you guys can select this one, where over 1,000 people paid for this product in the past month. That’s good, but let me see if we can find some better ones. We also have this one, where over 1,000 people paid for it in the past month.

I mean, over 1,000 women, of course. So you have this one here too—looking good. Let’s scroll down and see if we can find more. Here’s one where over 2,000 people paid for this product in the past month. This one is good too—trending. I think I’m going to choose the one where 2,000 people paid for it in the past month. This one looks good. So I will click on this product, and here you go. You will be directly on this product page on Amazon.

Step 6: Saving the Product Image

What you will do next is super easy. Just scroll down and click on the product image. You need to save this picture to your laptop. I will show you step by step how you can do it. You can find here the image loading, and then you double-click and click on “Save image.” Save this picture to your laptop. I will click on “Save,” and here you go.

Step 7: Creating Your Pin on Pinterest

Next, go back to your Pinterest account. Click on “Home feed,” then click on “Create Pin.” Click over here and upload the picture you downloaded from the Amazon seller’s page. This is the picture I just saved. Click on “Open.” Now, you need to add a title and a description. So, go back to the Amazon product page and copy the title. Use this title and paste it on Pinterest. For the description, scroll down on Amazon, and you should see the “About this item” section. Copy this description and paste it into Pinterest.

Step 8: Adding Your Affiliate Link

Scroll down and put your Amazon Affiliate link here. Go back to the Amazon product page. You should already have your affiliate account set up. You will see this bar here—Site Stripe—click on “Get Link,” and you will get your affiliate link from here. Copy this affiliate link, and then go back to Pinterest and paste the affiliate link here.

Step 9: Completing Your Pin

Click on “Choose a Board.” If you have a new account, click on “Create a board.” Give it a name, and you can create as many as you want. I’m going to choose this one. You need to add some keywords. Go back to your Pinterest Trend account, and you will see related trends. Copy those keywords and paste them on Pinterest. Once you finish, click on “Publish.” Here you go; you just published your first Amazon product on Pinterest.


That’s it! You’ve just published your first Amazon Affiliate link on Pinterest. You can see this is my product image, this is my Amazon Affiliate link, and that’s how you can promote your Amazon affiliate links on Pinterest. This is how we start Amazon Associate affiliate marketing as beginners without investing any money in paid ads—just using free traffic.

Closing Remarks

If you found this video helpful, please like it, leave a comment if you have any questions, and that’s it! This is how I make over $1,000 every single month with Amazon Associates using free traffic. I do my own research, see which products are trending, and which products got a lot of sales in the past month, and I start promoting those products, making a lot of commissions using this method.

Affiliate Marketing Course Offer

For those asking if I have any affiliate marketing courses: Yes, I do! If you’re interested, you can reach out to me via the email address in the description. You are very welcome, and I will guide you step by step and explain more details if you’re interested in this business. See you in my next video!

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