Get Paid $100Day to Watch Videos (2025)


I just found nine brand new free apps that pay you daily to watch videos. Most of these apps are available worldwide and don’t really require any previous experience, and they are available both for iOS and Android. Now I do want to be 100% honest from the start: none of these apps will make you a millionaire, none of these apps will allow you to quit your job, but they will also not waste your time if you’re just trying to make some extra money online while watching videos from your phone. My name is Dave Nick, and let’s begin with app number one.

App 1:

App number one is going to be You see, CashStar will pay you to complete different tasks, including watching YouTube videos, searching on Google, playing video games, writing posts, and all sorts of different things. Now, even though this is one of the highest-paying apps on the list, it is not available for everyone, so you would have to apply by entering your first name and email address. You would have to join the priority waitlist, and then you will receive an email. It usually takes about a month, sometimes two or three months, to receive a confirmation email, so it takes a lot of time. But once you get accepted, it’s going to be worth it.

Get Paid $100Day to Watch Videos (2025)

App 2: Tube Pay

The second app on our list is available specifically for the Google Play Store, so only for Androids, but it’s called Tube Pay. It essentially pays you to watch YouTube videos. Now, I know what you may be wondering: why on Earth would these people pay you to just watch YouTube videos? You’re already doing it for free. Well, the reason they pay you to watch videos is because either those videos are purely just ads or they are educational videos but they have a ton of ads on them. When you watch those ads, they just split the ad revenue with you. So that’s why you’re being paid, and that’s another reason why you’re not being paid a lot. So, that’s why you would have to combine multiple apps to make a decent amount of money.

App 3: Rewarded. TV

App number three on our list is going to be rewarded. TV. Now, this app allows you to get paid even while watching movies. You can stream movies and get paid for it. The way their business works is pretty much the same as all the previous ones: they just show a bunch of ads, you have to skip or just watch them, and they split the ad revenue with you. Again, to be honest, that’s not how I make money online, so stick with me until the end of the video, and I will show you exactly how I make over $30,000 a month.

App 4: VV (Only for Android)

The next app on our list is going to be VV, and this is another app that is only available for Androids. It’s available at the Google Play Store, and it’s an app that also pays you to watch videos and ads. Now, sometimes ads that you see here can be very boring and long, and it takes a lot of time to go through them. But if you can just start playing a couple of videos, leave your phone on the side, and just let it collect some revenue for you, the way you can withdraw your money from this app is usually PayPal or other gifts. So, if PayPal is not available in your country, then you will have to pick from some of the physical gifts that they can send and ship to you no matter where you’re coming from.

App 5: Coin Tipple (Pays in Crypto)

Finally, the next app is available both for iOS and Android, and it’s called Coin Tipple. This specifically pays you in crypto. You would have to go to their website or just open up their website on your phone. You can go to and just enter your email address, click on “Start Earning Now,” and complete a bunch of different tasks to earn free crypto, mostly free Bitcoin. One of the tasks that you can complete is just watching videos and clicking on ads, which honestly doesn’t require a lot of experience or special skills to do. It’s also absolutely free and available worldwide, but it just doesn’t pay a lot.

App 6: Fiverr—Subtitle Translation Service

Another very unique way to start making money by watching videos, but it is going to be a bit harder than all the previous ones because you’re not allowed to just watch the videos; you have to do a little bit of extra work, is to go to Fiverr and other freelancing platforms like Upwork or You can provide these services where you actually add subtitles for YouTube videos. Creators, like myself, might come to someone on Fiverr and pay them to add subtitles in different languages so people around the world can watch. This increases the viewership and revenue for the creator. You can watch YouTube videos, and if you speak multiple languages, you can then translate them and add subtitles. You would have to watch the videos, listen to them, write down the subtitles, and submit the document. You can get paid about $15 for a video up to 10 minutes in length.

App 7:

Back to easier apps. This one is called, and this is an app that pays you to complete surveys, play video games, and also watch videos. There aren’t that many videos to watch on here, so they’re not very active, but when there are some videos to watch, you can earn quick cash. There is no minimum withdrawal for PayPal, unlike other apps where you have to reach $5 or $10. Here, as soon as you start making money (even just one cent), you can immediately withdraw it to PayPal. It wouldn’t make much sense due to the fees, but there is a way to actually do it.

App 8: LootUp (Only for Android)

App number eight is going to be LootUp. This app is only available for the Google Play Store; it’s only available for Android. If you go here, you can get paid to complete surveys and play video games, which I highly recommend you avoid at all costs. Completing those surveys can take a lot of time, and they ask you a ton of questions. I would just not bother with that. I would only focus on the offers that pay you to watch videos and ads, as that’s the easiest way to actually make money with these apps. If you combine multiple apps, you can earn decent money, but if you focus on just one app, you probably can’t even buy a pizza.

App 9: VideoCash (Both IOS and Android)

The final app on our list before I show you how I make over $1,000 a day is going to be VideoCash. This app is available both for iOS and Android, so it’s available on both the App Store and Google Play Store. It’s another app where you can either get paid to watch videos or upload videos. It kind of acts as a social media platform where you can share videos, just like you would on TikTok.

They’re trying to become a new social media platform, so what they’re doing is incentivizing people by paying them to upload videos and pay them to watch videos on the app. That’s how they’re growing quickly. I’m not sure how sustainable this will be for them, but I think they’re just splitting ad revenue, so it shouldn’t be that bad. Again, this is all free, so you can try out all these nine different ways to make money by watching videos. These apps are available all over the world.

Conclusion: How I Make Over $30,000 a Month

But again, if you want to see how I make money online and what I consider to be the best way to make money and the best online business to start in 2024, make sure to click the first link in the description box down below. Not only can you talk directly to me and learn step-by-step how to start this business, but you can also claim some additional bonuses if you end up enrolling in the next 7 days after this video goes live. Anyway, I hope you got some value out of this video, and if you did, make sure to drop a like down below. I will see you in some of the next ones.

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