How to Make Money with Youtube Automation

Youtube Automation


YouTube Automation is being told as the most trending business, trending skill, and online earning method in 2024 and 2025. YouTube automation is trending everywhere, so I am going to tell you what YouTube automation is and how to earn from YouTube automation. How to do it and what are the benefits of YouTube automation?

I have been sharing online earning methods for a long time and doing online earning. I started youtube admission in the next year which is past and the success ratio of youtube automation is very high. YouTuber commission scale how to scale. which is recently introduced that people from the UK USA Australia and different countries are doing YouTuber commissions and generating millions of dollars.

Youtube Automation

What is YouTube automation?

Now the first question is what is YouTube automation and what is called YouTube admission, then I will give you the answer in detail.

YouTube Automation Faceless YouTube channel is called there are two ways to upload content on YouTube channel, one with face and one without face, which are YouTube channels in which different categories of people use AI. Using various tools to generate and upload videos is called YouTube automation.

YouTube admission people generate videos according to their category and niche in their different channels, different clips with various transactions and other methods of throwing, and their voiceover or voiceover with various tools. They make the video ready by doing beautiful editing and Uploading it to YouTube.

YouTuber skill was introduced in 2023 and 2024 it has a lot of scope and monetization is done by YouTube if you start your YouTuber and monetize your channel will be monetized.

What are the benefits of YouTube automation?

If we talk about the benefits of YouTube automation, then the first is that YouTube automation is an automation business that once you automate, gives you lifetime earnings.

  • YouTube automation provides faceless content in which if you feel hesitant, you can create great content without showing your appearance and earn by creating content.
  • Earning Contingency of Faceless Content in YouTube Automation is much higher than Earning Contingency of Paid Content.
  • YouTube admission has a success rate of 95 percent and YouTube adoption has a success rate of one to two months.
  • In YouTube’s admission for video creation without any location without any camera, you can create and upload the video through different tools which is very easy.

How to start YouTube automation?

Here are some step-by-step guidelines to start a commission on YouTube, which you will start keeping in mind, and then you will be successful.

Step 1:

  • The first step to start YouTube automation is to decide niche, you guys decide on competition high rpm and cpmh, on which you start creating content.
  • The more people the competition is down the more viral it will be and not the trending outpost the more viral it becomes now there are different ways to find that niche like through Google trends also Evergreen is one down.
  • To find the category you can find different schools like Vid IQ and Google Trends and different locations you can find through different AI tools ok which country is more popular and which niche is more visited.

Step 2:

  • After finding the niche, the second step of such scriptwriting is now for script writing you have to write a trending script with the best emotional touch. Write a good script through different fonts.
  • The most important thing for script writing is if it has an emotional touch and a unique trending engaging script, this script can be written using chat GPT and various tools.

Step 3:

The step after writing the script is the same for over, now you can use your voice for the same, but mostly for English content, AIQ is used, so there are different tools in the market for this, There are 11 and many others tools that can generate them for free.

Step 4:

After the voiceover, the main task is that of video editing and video curation, now the more engaging the video and the better the video, the more viral it will be.

  • According to your topic and your niche, copyright-free images, and copy-write free video clips can be uploaded from various websites like Story Block, Pixabay, and Pixel. Copyright images created by Mid-Journey.
  • There are two main points in the UK situation, one of them is video creation, the better the video, the more viral it is.

Step 5:

After video creation comes the step of YouTube video thumbnail 70 percent of YouTube animation video virality and video clicks depend on the thumbnail, the better the thumbnail, the higher the rank of the video.

To create a thumbnail you can create pictures from up to mid-journey also the best website to create a thumbnail is Canva Canva is free you can create the best thumbnail through Canva.

Step 6:

After preparing the video, you have to set up the YouTube channel. You have to set the YouTube channel according to the country of the content. After that, there is a time to upload the video in YouTube automation. You have to upload it according to this time.

The main role in YouTube video uploading is YouTube SEO. There is a big difference between with SEO and without SEO. If you upload your video with SEO, its ranking increases by 90 percent.

If you want to use a tool for YouTube SEO, Video IQ is the best tool that you can use to do video SEO with ease.

If you have made the best video and done the best editing, then your video will rank and YouTube monetizes the video with automation, so the PMCPM is also high and the earnings are good.

Start Earning


There is a lot of scope in the business of YouTube admission, people have not come to this side yet, if you can start sometime, then you will benefit a lot. Be sure to move and earn from it.

We keep telling people of Mostly New New Methods of Online Earning if you want to earn online then stay connected with our Logpur if you have any questions you can ask us also you can tell your friends. can tell

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